Do you have piles of magazines around your house like I do? Maybe they look like this? (usually a little messier i bet!)
For me I have tons of issues of Interior Design Magazines from all my subscriptions that I just don't want to throw away because there are some pics or articles in each of them I want to save, but they are taking up way too much space in our small condo. I came across this binder from
Naked Binder and thought what a great way to organize them.
I chose the linen, I love the natural look of it and that little finger hole is perfect for once I shelve them and have to pull them down from above.
So all I did was take an Xacto knife and cut out the pages I wanted and inserted them into sheet protectors from staples. I included the cover page just to keep them a little more organized and that way I knew what article was from which issue. I didn't organize my binders by categories like bathrooms, kitchens etc., which would be helpful, but because when there are features of someone's house they shoot more than one room of the house so I wanted to keep all of them together instead of separating them.
You can do this for any magazines you like, obviously they don't have to been design mags. My favorite health and fitness mag is SHAPE, so I collect those too, I cut out all the exercises and put them in one binder, that way if I want to work out at home I have a HUGE array of choices and never have to do the same thing.
I love flipping through the binder! It's like a huge magazine filled with beautiful pics and no ads! Can't beat that!